Kisap Fault extends from Dangli Island in the north to the south of Dayang Bunting Island. It is a thrust fault belt that has changed the rock stratigraphic (bedding) in Langkawi and most importantly in Peninsular Malaysia. The Belanga Pechah Kisap Fault Geosite is represented by the crushing of Chuping limestone in a zone more than 100 m wide. The position of the older Setul limestone had been displaced on top of the younger Chuping limestone. This low-angle displacement is interpreted to occur durina the tectonic activity between Permian and Triassic.
The location to see this evidence is at the old Belanga Pechah quarry. The fault breccia (rock fragments) resemble broken earthen pots that inspired the name of this place and is associated with the legend of the fight between two giants, Mat Chinchang and Mat Raya. This site is suitable for public research and education.