
Langkawi has been accorded as the UNESCO Global geopark status 15th years ago, in 2007. Langkawi UNESCO Global Geopark is a testament to the conscious and tireless efforts undertaken by Langkawi Development Authority (LADA) to preserve the natural beauty and aesthetic value of Langkawi’s geological landscape.
The Geopark status award is not a permanent recognition as it needs to go through the revalidation process for every 4 years.

Hence, LADA is looking forward and aimed in maintaining the Geopark status through lots of preparations. Extensive marketing of its geosites were carried out through the three pillars of Geoforest Parks, and as a result Langkawi has received 3.9 million tourists in 2019 and for 2022, we target 2.6 million tourist arrival.

To nurture the young Geoparkians in schools, institutions and agencies, Geopark and Sustainability Division, LADA are actively delivering informations and hosting attractive activities through some programs namely as ‘Geosite Cleaning’ (GSC), ‘GeoMangrove’, and Geocoral Programs.

These GeoConservation programs handled by Education and Information Unit at GDC. GSC and Geomangrove are carried out on weekly basis; every Wednesday and Sunday. GSC is carried out at various accessible geosites at Langkawi. Participants will first do some clean up and got some interesting facts or stories about the geosite delivered by Geopark Rangers. Light refreshments or lunch packs will be given to the participants upon finished. Should be noted also, participants need to bring their own water bottle since we are practising zero waste or reducing the usage of plastic.


Geomangrove program is an awareness program about mangrove conservation that is carried out at mangrove sanctuary at Kilim. It gives the participants from various ages to experience the first-hand practical in planting the mangrove seedlings.


Meanwhile Geocoral program usually carried out upon request from participants. There will be a demonstrator for this program from local communities that will teach you on how to develop a breeding site for coral. This program is a good platform to bring the participants a good understanding on conserving the coral reef ecosystems.


To increase the influence of LUGGp by establishing Geopark clubs at every school in Langkawi.

GeoTeacher (GeoCruise)

Provides teachers more knowledge and experience about LUGGp and the ability to deliver such information to students more effectively.


Acts as a platform to strengthen ties between teachers, parents, students and other agencies.

GeoPark to School

An outdoor classroom concept that focuses on giving inspirational and educational talks regarding the Geopark.

School to GeoPark

Provides more exposure to students about the concept and mission of the Geopark.

Geosite Cleaning

Provides opportunities for the public to clean all Geosites on the island, available every Wednesday.

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