UNESCO Global Geoparks are areas recognized for their significant geological heritage, which is managed using a holistic approach combining conservation, education, and sustainable development. UGGps aims to connect people with their environment, promoting sustainable practices and protecting natural and cultural heritage.
UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGps)
UNESCO Global Geoparks are areas recognized for their significant geological heritage, which is managed using a holistic approach combining conservation, education, and sustainable development. UGGps aims to connect people with their environment, promoting sustainable practices and protecting natural and cultural heritage.

Networking of Malaysia Geoparks
Malaysia is home to several geoparks that actively participate in national and international networking to promote geoconservation, geotourism, and sustainable development. Networking among these geoparks strengthens collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and the development of best practices.

UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGps)
UNESCO Global Geoparks are areas recognized for their significant geological heritage, which is managed using a holistic approach combining conservation, education, and sustainable development. UGGps aims to connect people with their environment, promote sustainable practices, and protect natural and cultural heritage.